Do not waste even a single moment. Spend it in pure thought, passionate speech, or purposeful action. Lethargy is self-limiting. This life is a rare occasion… Twelve Facets of Reality: #11. The Rare Occasion
Do not waste even a single moment. Spend it in pure thought, passionate speech, or purposeful action. Lethargy is self-limiting. This life is a rare occasion… Twelve Facets of Reality: #11. The Rare Occasion
This is so true. Thank you for reminding me again. It is so incredible how in a matter of 45 minutes, you speak to three people and share just one phrase and it really impacts them. This is what happened today and just another example of ONLY pure thought, passionate speech and purposeful action in one’s life.
Here’s the phrase:
“You don’t have to get it right, you just have to get it going”
– Kavit
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