Fact is, there are some things that just bring grief to a relationship.
There’ll be friction. There’ll be heat. You’re different – she’s different.
Sometimes, you’re just gonna have to tolerate the differences.
Sometimes, you’re just gonna have to tolerate: your girlfriend.
Here’s how to tolerate your girlfriend so that your relationship becomes smoother…
Step 1: Attend to the situation you’re currently exposed to.
Step 2: Observe the element in her that you’re finding hard to deal with.
Step 3: Cherish this element in her, COMPLETELY.
By fully attending to the whole situation that has arisen for you both, hone in on that part of her presence that’s brought up this friction within you – hold it in your hand and observe it from all angles – and then learn to cherish this part of her.
You see, it’s not really about tolerance – it’s about loving what’s there, whatever it is, rather than wishing it wasn’t.
Now that you’ve cherished this one element in her, extend the love you’re starting to feel and cherish all of her, head to toe, inside and out. I assure you, it’s worth it.
What are you learning to cherish in YOUR girlfriend? Share your comments below…
There you go – smoother relationships in three easy steps.
Much love,
p.s. would you like to learn How To TAME Your Girlfriend In 3 Easy Steps?
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