One of the greatest tools I have within reach that I use consistently in my life is the power of silence.
Throughout any Monday, from just after the 59th second of 11.59pm on a Sunday evening till the moment I wake up on Tuesday morning, I enter a mode of “speechlessness”. Monday is my day for becoming quiet, whilst getting on with the flow of life from an observational angle. Really, it’s just an opportunity to listen more intently…
Next month, from Wednesday November 15th, I’m taking this practise of silence to the next level where I will “indulge” in a 10-day stretch of non-speaking, and just observing my thoughts. Based at the Dhamma Dipa Vipassana meditation centre in Herefordshire (west of England), I will be entering a process of self-purification by self-observation.
Vipassana, meaning to “see things as they really are”, aims for the complete elimination of toxic thoughts, and works towards complete liberation, a state of moksha where we experience abundant, infinite, eternal bliss. As you know, your thoughts determine the words you speak, which transform into your actions and in turn what is attracted into your life.
Read more about Vipassana Meditation at:
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