If you have a younger sibling, you generally know that somewhere beneath the surface, they are incredibly talented. Although you don’t spot their true talent often, you tend to stay alert enough to pick up on it when they DO show it.

Sol Shah & Sawan ‘7’ Shah at Kavit Haria’s
Magnetic Marketing for Musicians Seminar
Saturday 02 December 2006, Strand Palace Hotel
My younger brother Sawan (a.k.a ‘7’) has just uncovered for me his brilliant skill of video editing. Last night, a few of us were sitting round the computer in his office at home, going over the most recent project that he’s working on.
Sawan is working with Kavit Haria and I to film our seminars and package them into DVDs so that the content is available to individuals around the world who cannot make it to the seminars.
The current DVD project is titled How To Make Thousands of Dollars Each Month In The Music Business
Sawan’s work is truly outstanding! The way he’s able to edit the video through effective transitions between sections, placing text on the video in the right places, and cutting out all the less-than-useful gaps, is brilliant – it’ll add so much value to anybody who purchases and views the DVD.
If you’d like Sawan to film your next seminar to turn it into a valuable information product, or to give you guidance on how best to CONVEY the information you hold to the wider world, do visit his site at PrematmaProductions.com
Alternatively, get a glimpse into his character and personality at 7’s Blog to get a feel for how good a match he is for your unique needs.
Sawanbhai, you have such great talent – now go ahead, and through your videos, help other people to fully express theirs.
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