How To Tame Your Girlfriend In 3 Easy Steps

Creative Commons License photo credit: Arno & Louise

Girlfriends are fun to be around and can also take over your life. It may feel to you that this lioness is trying to change you, control you, and always needs to have the last word.

Here’s how to tame your girlfriend so that you’re never again railroaded by what she does…

Step 1: Welcome the situation that you’re both immersed in.

Step 2: Listen with all your heart to what she is expressing and to your initial inner response.

Step 3: Tame your RESPONSE to what your girlfriend does.

The moment you actually try to tame HER or are a victim of her actions, you’re gonna get knocked out. Keep trying to actually tame HER and you’ll see that it’ll soon be game over.

Instead, listen with all your heart to what she’s saying and tame your RESPONSE to it. Wake up, man! You’re blessed to have this wonderful woman in your life.

Who / what are you taming, and how’s it working out for you?

Much love,

7 responses to “How To Tame Your Girlfriend In 3 Easy Steps”

  1. shilz avatar

    heya vro,
    this is a cool article,
    you are speaking from gthe heart!
    Thnaks for the advice, im sure everyone appreciates it!
    Kepe it up!
    Peace Out!

  2. Arvind avatar

    So that’s where I have gone wrong before!

  3. Kavit avatar


    Two things:

    a) You are spot on. On the bigger picture, there’s a message for us all. Tame yourself, not the one you’re in confrontation with.

    b) I see the start of a good product. You’re a creative genius – how can you now apply that to other areas of your life?


  4. Sol avatar

    Shilun & Arvind: thanks for your comments.

    Kavit: After I wrote this post, I was actually going through your ‘women’ category on your blog – – will you be continuing your writing on that topic? Also, tell me more about your ideas with applying the ‘creative genius’ to other areas of my life…

  5. Kavit avatar


    I haven’t written in that column for a while, when the right message comes, I will.

    You displayed creative genius above in the way you took a simple and life changing concept and used feisty elements and marketing know-how to write a good post. In reality, if you and I chose to understand blogs more better, that post could get you tons of traffic. If you understand business, you’ll look for ways to use such posts to get your work more attention.

    You may have heard before, we’re now living in the Attention Age. Schefren said it best when he said the information age is over. We are all competing for energy and such creative work in putting simple concepts together in a light-hearted manner caught my attention and it could do for a long while.

    The success in business comes from getting and keeping attention.

    So how can you transfer your creative genius in marketing to understanding this point and transforming your businesses, finances, health, relationships, and every other part of your life?

    There is real value in learning how to manage attention…


  6. […] p.s. would you like to learn How To TAME Your Girlfriend In 3 Easy Steps? […]

  7. Kavit avatar


    I haven't written in that column for a while, when the right message comes, I will.

    You displayed creative genius above in the way you took a simple and life changing concept and used feisty elements and marketing know-how to write a good post. In reality, if you and I chose to understand blogs more better, that post could get you tons of traffic. If you understand business, you'll look for ways to use such posts to get your work more attention.

    You may have heard before, we're now living in the Attention Age. Schefren said it best when he said the information age is over. We are all competing for energy and such creative work in putting simple concepts together in a light-hearted manner caught my attention and it could do for a long while.

    The success in business comes from getting and keeping attention.

    So how can you transfer your creative genius in marketing to understanding this point and transforming your businesses, finances, health, relationships, and every other part of your life?

    There is real value in learning how to manage attention…


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